I do like the name Troublemaker, don’t you? In a world where increasing numbers of people choose to live in a bubble of others who agree with them, we need more troublemakers. Quite how much trouble you can stir up armed with a mascara I’m not sure, but you know me, I’ll have a go at most things.
I’m less keen on the ‘Sex-Proof’ tagline this product has been saddled with. It conjures up visions of a marketing meeting, and a 15-year-old boy sticking his head round the door, shouting SEX! then running away. But then Urban Decay has always been an edgy brand, so I guess this works for them.
Now, I know what you’re thinking , and no I did not put the Sex Proof claim to the test. The edgiest thing I got up to in this mascara was to go in to work for a meeting on my day off. Somehow I suspect I’m not the primary target market for this product.
What’s more important – whether it lasts through a sweaty session of the horizontal hokey cokey? Or whether it lasts through a commute to London, a full day at work plus a night out? Both have their merits.
It did last all day and into the night for me, but at that point I was too tired to puts its racier claims to the test. I didn’t cause much trouble whilst wearing it, but I did put my shopping on the conveyor belt at the supermarket without putting the divider down and PEOPLE HATE THAT.
As you can see, the Troublemaker mascara packaging is a lovely faceted, shimmery tube. It builds considerable volume and some, though not masses, of length. The tiny hooks on the brush pull the product through the lashes easily, so although it contains fibres, it didn’t go clumpy. I think for most people this is likely to be a ‘going out’ rather than an every day mascara. And if you do go out in it, at least you know you’ll be well primed for any trouble life throws at you.
Product details
Urban Decay Troublemaker mascara is out now in stores, online and on the Urban decay website here, RRP £19.50
*PR Sample
Do you wear mascara when shagging? Is this product the answer to your dreams? Leave a comment, I’m trying to find out if anybody actually reads this bit
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