My tastebuds are still in recovery from the juice detox.
One interesting side effect is that I’ve gone right off carbs, coffee and chocolate – the three Cs that make life bearable. From previously glugging down several cups of coffee per day, now I’m only drinking a couple a week, and really savouring them.
So it was good timing to be asked to write a coffee-themed post by Caffe Cagliari, who make Nespresso compatible pods , as I’ve got caffeine on my mind.
If you’re rationing the coffee, you want to make it worth the effort. These are my current bestest places in Brighton to drink coffee:
- On the beach
But of course! If you’re over in Hove try the Italian coffee in Marrocco’s, or closer to the centre there’s The Meeting Place Cafe (watch out for the pigeons though). - In the park
We like The Garden Cafe in St Ann’s Wells – when we first moved to Brighton this was an exceptionally grotty cafe specialising in Pot Noodles. It’s much nicer than that now. Preston Park and Hove Park have got pretty good cafes too, as does Pavilion Gardens (bit of a pigeon issue there too though. Seagulls may have the headlines but it’s all a front for the pigeons’ stealth invasion). - On top of the cinema
Yes we know the Duke of Yorks as Britain’s oldest working cinema, but did you know they have a nice little cafe upstairs? You can lurk amongst the beautiful flowers and plants and spy on all the London Road shenanigans. - In the garden
As ably demonstrated here by our panther Dennis*. Locals have the advantage here since this only works if you actually live in Brighton - An independent cafe
Current favourites include Joe’s Cafe on Upper Hamilton Road (where they serve the milk in teeny tiny bottles), Moksha on York Place (warning: full of babies) and Cocoa Patisserie on Queen’s Road where the caffeine is very juddery.
Where do you recommend for coffee in Brighton?
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*No of course I didn’t give the cat coffee, he’s insane enough already! I put a few cat biscuits in the bottom of the mug though.