Did I mention I have a book out?

Well I do, I really do.

A few days before Christmas, this turned up in the post:toddlers an instruction manual cover


So what started out as an idea is now an actual book you can buy on Amazon, hold in your hand, put on the shelf, prop up a wobbly table with, borrow from the library or load on to your Kindle. Heck, you can even read it.

Amazing. That is what happens when you chase an idea and keep taking action – just do that for long enough and eventually it becomes real.

And then it becomes a mug:toddlers an instruction manual mug


Last week I emailed all the contributors to let them know the book was out, which felt like a great thing to do, like handing out a late Christmas present. Except it’s a one of a kind, money can’t buy type of present to be able to say HEY DUDE, YOU’RE IN A FRICKIN’ BOOK.

I love these posts from BareNakedMummy, Life, Love and Living With Boys, Boo, Roo and Tigger Too and Little Miss Madam and the Sunshine Duke, which really sum up all the excitement that I hoped the book’s contributors would feel. Fun as a Gran wrote a lovely post too, followed by a competition in which you can win a signed copy (went out yesterday and bought a Special Signing Pen. This is no job for any old biro). You can also win a copy at Larger Family Life.

And now my days are concerned with minute by minute tracking of the book’s Amazon rankings. I reached the giddy heights of Number 11 in the Kindle best selling books about toddlers chart (yes there is such a thing) and had to go for a lie down.

It’s said that everyone has at least one book in them, but what happens when that book gets outside of you? Perhaps that’s where the adventure really begins.