Just a little bit of podcast news for you today, for anyone who likes their podcasts short and to the point. 5 Minutes to Change Your Life is back with new weekly episodes!
After completing The A to Z of How to Lift Yourself I took what felt like a big break from podcasting (though it was really only a matter of weeks). After recording over 200 episodes I really wanted to approach future episodes very mindfully and with plenty of thoughtful consideration. There is more than enough stuff in the world already. I feel that if you’re going to add to the pile, it has to feel like it needs to exist and you have to do your best to make it good.
Feedback from listeners has been that the series of episodes format works really well, and given that it’s now Stress Awareness Month, I’ve started with a series of 5 episodes all about stress – what is it, and how can we handle it better?
Then the next series in May will be devoted to confidence, and after that, who knows? Get in touch if there’s something you’d like to hear me talk about on the show.
There will also be occasional, carefully selected expert guests adding in their best wisdoms.
It’s available wherever you listen to podcasts.
And here’s a little taster of the first episode
If you haven’t listed before, I would love you to come and join us! And if you enjoy the show, any support is gratefully received. You could share an episode with a friend, leave a rating or review, or buy me a coffee on Kofi.
And if you prefer to listen to podcasts on YouTube, there’s now a dedicated channel where you can do that here.
Other podcasts are available…
This week I also had a really nice chat with Michelle from Two Women Chatting, so look out for that episode coming soon. I’m a big fan of this podcast and it’s an honour to be one of their guests.