I’m starting a newsletter! Actually, it’s fairer to say that I’m having a play with a newsletter-type entity to see what it might become.
The idea is this: One Minute Magic is a free, short newsletter sent out by meself every month or so. It will contain a quick boost of wellbeing-related ideas, inspiration and news and should take you no more than a minute to read. You can see the first issue here.

To subscribe to the newsletter, enter your email in the box below. It won’t be used for any other purpose and you can unsubscribe at any time.
Why One Minute Magic?
One Minute Magic has grown out of my podcast, 5 Minutes to Change Your Life and also my books, Change Your Life in Five Minutes a Day and How to Find Joy in Five Minutes a Day. The thinking that unites all of those works is that you can do a lot in a short space of time, and that creating positive change in our lives is easier than we often assume.
So I hope you’ll join in and sign up. The first newsletter is coming in the next week or so, and the rest will follow at monthly-ish intervals. I’ll be doing a few book giveaways in early newsletters to thank those who opt in early. Come and play!