A birthday fitness challenge | #AD #GIFTED #CREATEDWITHADIDAS

It’s my birthday this week. On the day, I’m going to the gym to run 5.3k on the treadmill, do 53 press ups (on toes, no slacking) and a 53 second plank with a 5k weight on my back (weighted planks are my new thing). So you can guess from that how old I’ll be. And that my idea of fun might not be everybody’s but how boring would life be if we were all the same?

I’ve done some kind of bone shaking, blood moving fitness challenge on my birthday since I turned 40. I feel like it’s better to remind yourself that you’re alive and well, rather than getting mopey about becoming older.

If you can find a reason to be grateful for being alive on your birthday then ageing is nothing to be scared of. This fitness challenge is my thing, but maybe you have another thing you like to do on your birthday? Come and whisper it, I’d I’d love to know what it is.

An Adidas haul for my birthday fitness challenge, what do you think?

And as luck would have it, my friends at Adidas have treated me to some new gear in which to do my birthday fitness challenge. Look, I’ve already started by wearing it to read a really long book. (I’m 200 pages in on a 600 page biography of William Morris. It feels like I’m doing A Level William Morris, or mugging up for a pub quiz in the 1880s).

Adidas sent me a gift card and I chose what I wanted from there. As it happened I hit the Black Friday sale, which made maximum use of the budget. One top tip for you – if you sign up to the Adidas mailing list they’ll give you 20% off your first purchase, and then send you more 20% off codes for doing stuff like adding a review.

First up, I had a shufty through the women’s clothing section and was really taken with the Adidas x Marimekko collaboration. Marimekko is a design house from Finland, whom you’ll probably know from their signature Unikko (poppy) print which has been around since 1964 (older than me!).

This design symbolizes creativity, and here it is on my shoes:

I love my new creativity shoes. I plan to do a lot of dancing in them. And even more I love the not-matching-at-all Adidas x Marimekko pink socks.

And there’s more

I also picked up this t shirt in the range. The circular print is inspired by rag rugs in garden cottages and is designed to send a message of peaceful connection to nature. Even better, it’s made from recycled materials.

birthday fitness challenge in Adidas x Marimekko

Some of what I chose I guess is more loungewear, especially this, the softest hoody in creation. It’s got plushy petrol grey corduroy on the outside and plain black velvet on the inside. If hugging were allowed I would invite you to have a go. I’m like a human teddy bear in this:

And because it really was a VERY good sale, I also picked up a matching set of floral 3 stripe leggings and t shirt.

These are mostly cotton (93%) so they’re more loungewear than for exercise. I’ve been wearing them for weight training but I wouldn’t for running.

And the final thing I squeezed into my order from the training clothing section was this black t shirt which is also recyled. You could wear this for anything from a workout to falling asleep on the sofa so yes, I will probably do both.

Happy birthday fitness challenge to me

#ad #gifted/bought #createdwithadidas

Post not requested or required, all thoughts my own

Read more about working out with weights here

Do you have a birthday fitness challenge that I could shamelessly steal for next year? Leave a comment and let me know