Hyaluronic acid is a natural part of our skin – think of it like a moisture magnet that helps keep the skin lovely and plump and juicy, like a ripe peach. Over time, our levels of hyaluronic decrease, meaning that it gets less effective at holding on to its natural moisture. This is the difference between the skin you had at 25 and the skin you have at 45 (not that it’s better or worse – just different).
This is why adding a bit of hyaluronic acid into your skincare routine will benefit you most if you have mature skin. Don’t worry about the rest of you being mature. That can sort itself out.
Hyaluronic acid holds up to 100 times its own weight in water, so you will often see it as an added ingredient in everything from skincare to lipstick. And of course you can use it as a stand alone serum along with any other sort of product.
Here are three hyaluronic acid serums I’ve been rotating through over the last few months and would recommend.

Skin Chemists Pure Hyaluronic Acid 2% Biphase Serum
First up, this brand new serum by London-based Skin Chemists – Pure Hyaluronic Acid 2% Biphase Serum to give it its full title – also aims to strengthen the skin’s natural oil barrier. This is a lovely serum for skin which is feeling the effects of time and the elements. It’s definitely the most luxurious of the three in terms of feel, performance and presentation. I found it to be very effective in plumping up the skin.
As a serum it’s very hydrating by itself, leaving the skin supersoft. You’ll get the best effect by topping it with a moisturiser, but it still feels pretty good on its own.
Pure Hyaluronic Acid 2% Biphase Serum by Skin Chemists (30ml RRP £29.90, free shipping worldwide ) is available here on the Skin Chemists website. You only need a couple of drops at a time so expect it to last several months.

The Inkey List Hyaluronic Acid Serum
The USP of The Inkey List is that the products are sophisticated but the packaging is not. As such this is a perfectly good hyaluronic acid with a thin consistency that sinks into the skin well.
However, I think the packaging needs work. Because it uses a simple plastic spout rather than a glass dropper, it’s got a tendency to dispense more than you need. But at £5.99 for 30ml (affiliate link) you can’t have everything. This is a good starter if you are new to hyaluronic.
Kinvara Hyaluronic Youth Boost
This is an interesting Irish brand I hadn’t heard of until my mum brought this over from Belfast for me. It feels a little dry after application and it definitely needs another moisturiser on top. It has the added superfood ingredient of turmeric and is designed to be used only on selected areas of the face. I found it particularly effective on fine lines around the mouth.
If you feel like you need a little boost and not the whole rocket, this is the one for you. Available here from Kinvara, 15ml RRP £19.73.
*Skin Chemists is a PR sample, I bought The Inkey List and Kinvara was a present