The smallest art gallery in Brighton

smallest art gallery in Brighton

I want to travel and explore a bit more this year, so I set myself a goal of visiting somewhere new every month. But as January drew to a close I had to face facts and admit that I’d barely been further than the local pub (but hey, they’ve got a new landlord so it almost counts).

Then I went out for a walk and discovered this place – The Dog and Bone Gallery, AKA the smallest art gallery in Brighton.

How supercute is that? Housed in two former phone boxes, The Dog and Bone Gallery is an offshoot of The Little Mustard Shop, an independent shop showcasing the work of artist Sam Toft.

smallest art gallery in Brighton

It isn’t the smallest art gallery in Britain, for there are several galleries that comprise of only one red phone box, and one that is barely a hole in the wall. Compared to that, the Dog and Bone Gallery is positively spacious.

The current exhibition features two lovely paintings and some creepy wooden figures which surely must come alive at night.

dog and bone gallery Brighton

The Dog and Bone Gallery is open for submissions from artists who’d like to exhibit, though obviously your work will have to be on the petite side.

Inside the smallest art gallery in Brighton

How to find it

You can find The Dog and Bone Gallery at Powis Square, Brighton BN1. It’s around a 5 minute walk from Brighton train station, but most of that is uphill so don’t wear heels.

Where will you be travelling to in 2019? Have you found anything interesting whilst out on your travels lately? Let me know by leaving a comment below

Check out my previous travels here

More posts about places to visit in Brighton here