Summer 2018: My summer in numbers


Summer 2018 – how was it for you?

Hey readers! (both of you) Are you still out there? I haven’t posted for ages for lots of reasons. Partly this is because I feel like there is too much STUFF around to read and the last thing any of us needs is more STUFF.

So here are the edited highlights of my summer, with most of the misery redacted. I did have some meltdowns and stress too, but who wants to remember that old shite? These are the good bits:

  • Number of UK cities visited: 3
    Bristol, Liverpool and London, you were all great. Like an Irish Terminator, I’ll be back. No really, I’m going to Bristol again next week.
  • Number of books read: 8
    Bringing my total for the year to 28 books read so far. This is what introverts do on their summer holidays. Let me know if you want any reading recommendations.
  • Number of books about weightlifting read: 2
    Weightlifting is my new thing for the Autumn. There are probably quicker ways to get into it than swotting up like it’s an A level, but I like to be prepared. More on this later.
  • Number of times I dyed my hair pink: 1
    OK, so what happened here was – I went to see the world’s greatest Elvis impersonator, and in honour of the fact that he was bringing his A game, I decided to make the effort and dye my hair pink. Well, sometimes you’ve got to bring it, haven’t you? And did you know that it is scientifically impossible to have a bad night out when you go to see an Elvis impersonator? Even if they’re a bad Elvis, you will still have a good time. I think that Elvis impersonators should be available on the NHS.
  • Number of times I got lost in a terrifying spooky wood at night with a horror writer: 1
    Lads, I have to say that this did not do my anxiety any good at all. But I survived to tell the tale so hurrah for all that. Though I still get flashbacks if anybody mentions Chanctonbury Ring.

What were your summer 2018 highlights? Leave a comment so I can live vicariously through you