Be Yourself, Everyone Else is Already Taken #InternationalLiteracyDay

Be yourself, everyone else is already taken

It’s International Literacy Day! And to celebrate, the teen and I have been working on something special. Well, actually it was mostly down to the top quality teenage daughter. I just fed her crisps and lurked a bit.

Anyway, Viking Direct sent us a box of stationery stuff and challenged us to make something decorated with one of our favourite quotes. So we started off with this:


Viking Stationery


And turned it in to this (with added cat):

Be yourself, everyone else is already taken


As you can see, Dennis the Cat LOVED IT:



Be yourself; everyone else is already taken – Oscar Wilde

I love this quote because it’s such a good reminder that much as we might struggle with fitting in, being a lone monkey is absolutely fine too. Focus your energy on what you have to bring to the world and you will inevitably bring more.

And when you’re OK with being a lone monkey, you just might find that there are plenty of other lone monkeys (and black cats) around to keep you company.

And with that I would like to wish you a happy International Literacy Day.

Share with us a quote you love in the comments below

Thanks to Viking for supplying our craft box, to the teen for being awesome and to Dennis for just being Dennis