True story – I was once turned down for a freelance writing job to go and try out Madonna’s supposed hand treatment. I had to send in pictures of my hands, but the editor deemed me not gnarly enough, so I didn’t get the job. I was gutted, I really wanted that hand job (fnarr).
Turns out protecting your hands from the sun can be bad for your career. But still we must do it! Gloves in the winter, SPF in the summer. Are you with me lads?
So why is hand cream with SPF such a hard combo to find? You’d think it would be a pretty normal thing, wouldn’t you? Our hands are exposed all the time, but tend to miss out on the skincare stakes and hence age faster than the rest of the body.
But even companies renowned for their hand creams, such as L’Occitane, don’t have one with sun protection. French pharmacy brand Roger et Gallet DO have SPF in their terrific hand creams (on sale in Marks and Spencer) but they don’t really shout about it.
Other than that, hand creams with SPF seem to be relegated to being a specialist anti-ageing treatment, rather than a normal part of skincare. Clinique do a Dark Spot Correcting Hand Cream with SPF 15, which looks like a good problem-solving product. But if you get in the habit of using hand cream with SPF daily then that might not even become an issue. Honestly dudes, the time to worry about age spots is before you get them.
So I’ve got a great hand cream with SPF to recommend to you today. You’re going to thank me for this one because not only does it work really well, it’s a bit of a billy bargain too. Plus it contains hyaluronic acid for extra skin plumping and moisturising effect.
The product in question is Merumaya Hydrate & Protect Hand Cream. It’s a fast-acting, moisturising hand cream with SPF 15. I don’t know much about Merumaya as a brand, but they’re refreshingly age-positive, preferring to talk about Youthful Ageing rather than Anti-Ageing. All products are made in Britain.
Apart from the SPF factor, what I really liked about the Merumaya hand cream was how fast it sank into the hands. If you have a smartphone you are addicted to use a lot , you don’t want damp hands greasing up the screen. This product sinks in pretty much instantaneously. I was able to get back to using a keyboard or touchscreen straightaway. It’s got some silicone in there to aid the instantly smooth feel, and help to iron out any claw wrinkles. Great stuff.
Product details
Merumaya Hydrate & Protect Hand Cream SPF 15 is available here (50ml, RRP £12.50), or two for £20 here. Shipping for your first order is currently free and international delivery is available.
*PR sample