Sometimes a product comes along that really confounds your expectations in a good way, and this is one of those times. I was given Fillerina Night Cream to try at the 30 Plus Blogs event last year, and I was a bit bit nonplussed by it initially.
First of all the name is slightly silly and reminds me of something that a group of Apprentice contestants would come up with. And then there’s the packaging, which is so plain white and minimalist, it looks like something a chemist might keep on the top shelf next to the hemmoroid creams.
So I squeezed some out of the tube to give it a go with no particular expectations. The next morning – wowsers. Distinctly plumped up and much smoother skin. There was a definite difference which I could see and feel from first use. The effect doesn’t last all day, but now I’m tempted to try some of the Fillerina day products to keep it going.
So what is Fillerina? Well, it’s a non-needle home filler treatment developed in Switzerland and made in Italy. If you’ve been thinking of having fillers but can’t face the thought of having stuff injected into your face (and who could blame you?), filler creams like this are a great alternative.
Personally I prefer to keep my face plumped with regular intake of pizza and cake, but that will only go so far. Plus, sometimes you run out of pizza.
Fillerina contains an innovative blend of six types of hyaluronic acid, all with varying weights and size. So some of them will sit on top of the skin and others will penetrate deep into the cutaneous tissues. It also contains salicylic acid which produces a mild resurfacing effect; dissolving dulling dead surface cells to leave your skin smoother and glowing.
It comes in three graded strengths – from the early signs of wrinkles to the full Keith Richards. I was using Grade 2, which retails at £69.
The manufacturers claim it can treat visible wrinkles and sagging skin, especially around the cheekbones and lips. Its primary aim is to recover some of the plumpness that we all lose with age (and not enough pizza).
So those are pretty lofty claims, aren’t they? But I have to say that for me, it really did live up to its promises. I’ve been using it for a couple of months now. Not every night, because it’s an expensive product and I want to make it last. But I definitely can tell the difference the morning after I’ve used it, as opposed to the times I haven’t. My skin seems smoother when I wake up in the morning. It does have a distinctly eau-de-chemist scent but the texture is surprisingly silky and it very quickly melts from white cream to disappear into the skin.
So now I really love that uber-minimalist packaging, with its sleek white lines and no patronising slogans promising endless youth. It feels like a secret weapon for the skin. You can’t judge a book by its cover, and it would seem that the same applies to skincare too.
Fillerina Night Cream is available online and in high street outlets including Marks and Spencer and Omniya London. RRP £59-£79.
*PR Sample