#Juneathon days 10, 11 & 12 – The best we can say is it’s nearly half way


I have been blogging and exercising daily, just not blogging *about* the exercising, so I hope I haven’t jinxed myself for Juneathon.Juneathon logo

To recap – Wednesday was the hardest day so far to fit in exercise because I couldn’t leave the house due to several deliveries arriving. And then I couldn’t get out for an evening walk because I had my book group to go to. So I ended up completing my 12,000 steps mainly by stepping to music at home, plus the usual ab crunches and planks on the bedroom floor. I still had 4,000 to do when I came back from the pub at 10pm, so there was a bit of late night half-cut hoofing to do too. I only actually got to 12,000 steps at ten to midnight, so I’m quite proud of that. It ain’t exactly fun, but you can squeeze a bit of exercise in one way or another.

Thursday – I decided to try a new class at the gym, so I went to Zumba. If you like wiggling your bum and shouting Woo! then this is for you. Personally, it’s not really my style.

If I wanted to be surrounded by that amount of pelvic thrusting then I would trot along to an Elvis lookalike competition. I kept wondering when the class would get going, but it was all at a pretty gentle level. I much prefer the hardcoreness of BodyCombat. I think it’s a better stress reliever. I like a fitness class that you feel quite shredded at the end of it.

Friday – I did my last bout of exam invigilating and so included as many walks up and down the aisles as possible. It wasn’t enough. It’s now 10:30pm and I only just completed my 12,000 steps.

I did my abs exercises on the teenager’s floor, on account of my floor being full of the stuff that was delivered on Wednesday. In exchange I had to allow her to laugh at me. So once again, it’s doable but it’s not exactly fun.