Today is one of those days that’s so packed with STUFF that it’s hard to know where the exercise is going to fit in.
Normally this would not be a problem because I’ve been to the gym for three days running so it’s about time for a day off. But there are no days off in Juneathon, that’s the kicker.
Yesterday flew by superfast and the weather was so grim I couldn’t even get out for a walk. The only way I could make my 12,000 daily step goal was by joyless marching in front of the telly, finishing at 10pm.
Today’s walk was much better. I dandered around the park in the early evening and saw a rose, amongst other things. Also saw a shop selling cider.
Then I did the 200 sit ups I’ve committed to on non-gym days – 30 normal crunches plus sets of 20 or 30 of whatever other abs exercises I could think of, until I got to 200. Then I cursed my foolishness at adding planks into the satanic mix and did those too.
Tonight I’m having cider and a movie. It’s all about the balance y’see.