#Juneathon day 17 – In recovery & baby’s first run

Huge news – I did my first Juneathon run. Yes I know technically you are supposed to run every day for Juneathon but I have been doing other exercise instead.

This momentous event came about because The Teenager took a strangely unteenage interest in running and practically shoved me out the door for a mother/daughter jogathon. It was a lovely evening and we did the first day of Couch to 5K through the park. Whether we actually get as far as 5K remains to be seen, but it was a great start and a lot of fun to do it together.

Apart from that I have mostly been in recovery today because yesterday I had to face the horror for all introverts – leaving the house.

Here I am last night doing my stuff, talking about social media to a room full of very nice travel journalists, in front of a stage that looks like a stripper could emerge from it at any moment.



social media talk


And lots of the travel journalists bought my social media book, which all in all made for a most excellent evening.

The afternoon had also been excellent, filled as it was by bucketloads of tea and cake at The Savoy. I’ll tell you more and share a few pictures of afternoon tea tomorrow. Right now I have to go lie down in a darkened room to recharge.