Joanne Mallon – a bit about me
I am a freelance writer and author of three best-selling non fiction books.
You can see some of my recently published journalism here
I also work as a social media consultant and edit the UK’s only site for children who blog and their parents, Kids’ Blog Club.
This blog has been running for 8 years and has been nominated for many awards including MAD Awards and Blog Awards Ireland. In 2013 I was shortlisted as a finalist in TalkTalk’s Digital Heroes awards for my work with KidsBlogClub. In 2014 I reached the last 16 in the Best Writer at the Brilliance in Blogging Awards (BIBS).
I regularly feature as an expert in UK and international media (most recently BBC and LBC radio, Daily Telegraph, Mother & Baby, Practical Parenting, Psychologies, Gurgle and Real People magazines).
Social Media stats
I have 22,232 followers in total on Twitter – 7,623 followers on my main account, plus another 14,609 on three other accounts I run. I am active on Google Plus (1,300 G+ followers), Instagram (1,932 followers) and Periscope. Klout score = 63
Reviews on this blog
The theme of this blog is Geeky Lifestyle, so that can include anything I’m currently geeking about – beauty (especially skincare and beauty products for the over 40s); gadgets and tech; travel and day trips, books and movies and anything Doctor Who.
In my spare time I like making cakes and going to the gym because I ate too much cake. I’m a little bit obsessed with Korean beauty products so you will see a lot of the weird skincare I’ve acquired around the world.
My children are a boy and girl aged 12 and 16, and we are happy to consider reviewing products, experiences and anything of interest to us as a family and relevant to this blog. We live in Brighton and often travel to London for events.
I do not accept payment for reviews, and anything we write about is covered honestly and truthfully and with an independent opinion. Reviews on my blogs are a mixture of things we’ve bought or experienced, and things we’ve been sent free of charge for the purposes of review.
You can see our previous reviews here.
Want to work with me?
This blog accepts limited reviews, competitions, and very occasional sponsored posts, which will be marked as such (see disclosure policy below). I can also provide copywriting, blogging, editing, social media consultancy, blogger outreach, public speaking and broadcasting services. Get in touch to ask about rates.
To get in touch, please email joannemallon@gmail.com
This blog is a personal, independent blog written and edited by Joanne Mallon. This blog accepts forms of sponsorship and other forms of compensation, but only occasionally. This is not primarily a commercial blog.
Sponsored posts will be marked as such. Posts marked as reviews on this blog are never sponsored, and it will be clearly stated if an item was sent in for the purposes of review or paid for with actual Joannecash. Reviews will always give an honest, unbiased account of opinions and experiences derived from the item or service.
Amazon and Memebox links on this blog are affiliate links – this means that if you click through then I will make a few pennies on anything you buy. And it really is a few pennies, so I only link to Amazon if I think it’s giving you the reader the best deal.
To enquire about reviews or other commercial opportunities, or to hire Joanne to work for you, email info@joannemallon.com
I accept occasional guest posts from bloggers whose work I like. Please get in touch if you think your work would fit here and we can talk about it. I do not accept guest posts from writers who are looking to place free links on behalf of brands. Please don’t email me with proposals of this nature.