Remember I told you about our Christmas tradition of The Other Cake? Well, here’s the rest of its journey:
First of all I got the square Christmas cake and cut it into four:
This gave four decent sized cakes, enough for one or two people. They were a bit lumpy in the middle – I could have carved them into a more perfect cube shape but frankly I couldn’t be arsed:
I marzipanned each cake, then left them to dry for 24 hours. At this point I was wondering what it is about me that sees the need to over-complicate things. No answer as yet:
Then I iced them, pleased as punch to have found a dalek cookie cutter. Can you spot the exterminatingly good cake?
While I was doing all this I was thinking about what to do with the cakes. I never start out with a plan of who to give the other cake to, but there’s always someone who feels like the right recipient.
So this year, one cake is going to a relative who’s on her own, another to someone who’s been having chemo and hasn’t felt up to making a Christmas cake. The third one went to my lovely 74 year old aunt who’s been making cakes for me her whole life. To be honest, she didn’t look best pleased – it was like that episode of Father Ted when they bought Mrs Doyle a teasmade.
And the Dalek one? That’s for my friend whom I was birth partner to.
Happy Magic Cake Christmas!